What’s a great city like? Part # 2: There is wireless access to the Internet

Considering the many changes that are constantly happening in different areas globally, it’s important that we all keep on learning – no matter who we are, what we do, or where we live. The better the conditions are to - anywhere, anytime, and at low costs - seek information on the Internet about what we need, the more effectively we will be able to learn. And, consequently, the more competitive companies will become.

On Wikipedia, I read about municipal wireless network / municipal WiFi. It is the concept of turning an entire city into a wireless access zone permitting people to seek information they need on the Internet - anytime and anywhere. I had a closer look at panOULU, the wireless network covering Oulu, Finland. In the panOULU brochure, I noticed that you can use the network with a LapTop, a PDA, and/or a mobile phone. I also read that using the network does not require a user ID or registration. Anyone can - anytime and anywhere - get on the Internet.

By the way, if you need to find a zone - anywhere in the world - where there is wireless access to the Internet, try searching here.


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