Use interactive assistants to make the company culture more customer focused

An interesting initiative of Helsana is the company’s virtual employee “Vera Clever”. Through the interactive assistant that you’ll find on Helsana’s website, Helsana invites people to communicate/chat with the company directly through the website.

Another example of a company that uses an interactive assistant is IKEA. At IKEA, the name of the interactive assistant is “Anna”.

There are more advantages of using an interactive assistant. For example, customer service can be improved, and customer service costs can be reduced.

Interested in knowing more about interactive assistants? Then stop by here.

Do you have experience with interactive assistants like the ones mentioned above? If yes, what effect/influence does a tool like this have on the culture of the companies? What happens to the way employees/managers do things after the company starts to use an interactive assistant on the website? It would be really super if you have some concrete examples. Thanks in advance.


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