How are you learning to cope with changes happening around you?

In this hackathon report summarizing the findings of the MIX Hackathon ”Hacking HR to build an adaptability advantage”, a very interesting innovation challenge, I read this on page 4:

“We are surrounded by all sorts of things that are changing at an exponential pace: the number of mobile phones in the world, CO2 emissions, data storage, the power of semiconductor chips, the number of devices connected to the Internet, the number of genes that have been sequenced, world energy consumption, and knowledge itself. Today, the most important question for any organisation is: Are we changing as fast as the world around us?” To know more about technological changes happening around you, have a look at this presentation

During a November 9th event, I came to think of the above, as Mr. Thomas Keil talked about his experiences working with strategic renewal. From what Mr. Keil communicated, I understood, for example, that training people to think creatively / work innovatively is among the solutions to avoid one or more traps of growing big and overcome one or more of the reasons why people resist change.

Similar to what Mr. Keil mentioned during the event on November 9th, I read on page 6 of the above mentioned hackathon report that people working in all kinds of organizations need to be educated on / equipped with skills that are required to thrive in an increasingly turbulent and interconnected world, for example creative problem solving and values-driven thinking. In this posting you can read about design principles for adaptable organizations – design principles that correspond well with UNBOSS.

To learn about how to discover your purpose and values, have a look here and here. To know more about how to become more agile, have a look also at these tips.


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