Working out loud. Questions from week 1 to week 6

To view the circle guides for the weekly meetings you have each week for 12 weeks, click here. Here are some of the questions to think about in the first 6 meetings:

Week 1: Attune your attention
  • Why did you join a Working Out Loud circle?
  • What is your learning goal for the next 12 weeks?
  • What people do you know whose interests are related to your goal?
Week 2: Offer your first contributions
  • What happened since the last meeting?
  • What is the level of intimacy to each of the people, you wrote down during the week 1 exercise? 1. The person doesn’t know you exist. 2. You are connected in some way with the person. For example, you follow the person on social media. 3. You have had one or more interactions with the person. 4. You have collaborated, even in a small way. 5. You regularly interact, exchange ideas, and help each other.
  • Try holding the door for a person you do not know. Then ask yourself these questions: Why did you decide to hold that particular person? How did you feel holding the door for the person?
Week 3: Take three small steps
  • How do you feel about your goal? How much do you care about it? To what extent does your goal spark your curiosity?
  • What times will you schedule in your calendar to work on your goal?
  • What communities will you join that are shared by people, who have goals that are related to your goal?
  • Which person would you like to thank in private for something he / she did or said? Which person would you like to thank in public for something he / she did or said?
  • What will you do before the next Working out loud Circle meeting?
  • When you google yourself, how much of your best work is visible?
Week 4: Earn someone else's attention
  • How do you feel about the process and your progress so far?
  • Try to think about a situation during which a person acted with little or no empathy. How did you feel in the situation? What your reaction? To what extent can you - in a situation like this - use a pause button before you react, i.e. take 3 breaths, name for yourself the emotion you are feeling and continue doing what you do.
  • When you share a blog posting, video or book with other people, for example using social media, to what extent will you mention why you thought of them specifically in relation to what you’re sharing?
  • What will you do before the next meeting?
Week 5: Make it personal
  • How do you feel about your goal and the progress you are making towards your goal?
  • Try to write 50 facts about yourself. Write down as many things you can that make you you. Help your circle colleagues see the gifts they can offer and who might benefit from them. Help people add to their lists.
  • What will you do before the next meeting?
Week 6: Improve your visibility
  • What did you do since the last meeting?
  • Search for yourself on the Internet. List all of the profiles that you find, for example LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Update / improve your main profile on the Internet, for example LinkedIn.
  • Look at your Cirlcle members' profiles on the Internet. What questions / ideas do you have?
  • When you connect with people on the Internet, for example using LinkedIn, make a personalized invitation by writing a message.
  • What will you do before the next meeting?


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