12 inputs to help education participants think and act more innovatively

During a 3 x 12 minute interactive discussion session this week at eduhub days 2009 in Baden, Switzerland, I asked the people, who joined in at the session, this question: "How Do We Help Education Participants Think and Act More Innovatively?" I got many very interesting inputs from the experts. Here are 12 of them:

# 1: Let education participations work on individual assignments.
# 2: Encourage education participants to work on real life problems.
# 3: Reduce the number of education participants at seminars / lectures.
# 4: Reduce workload for education participants.
# 5: Encourage education participants to work in beautiful places.
# 6: Ask exam questions that encourage education participants to think creatively.
# 7: Let education participants prepare exams themselves.
# 8: Reduce the number of exams.
# 9: Use mindmaps.
# 10: Reward teaching better than researching.
# 11: Strengthen knowledge sharing among teachers.
# 12: Replace the word “teacher” with words such as mentor, guide, coach, facilitator, resource person, knowledge worker.

What other points would you add to help education participants think and act more innovatively?


Unknown said…
Reading this list presented by Gary Hamel http://blogs.wsj.com/management/2009/03/11/management-moonshots-part-iii/ I noticed, for example, initiative # 25:

“Retrain managerial minds
Too often the managerial brain has a left hemisphere that’s as big a watermelon, and a right hemisphere that’s the size of a walnut. In executive education and recruitment, the traditional focus on deductive and analytical skills must be complemented by a renewed emphasis on conceptual and systems-thinking skills.”

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