5,000 people swam across Lake Zürich

Total yearly costs for the health system in Switzerland add up to more than CHF 50 Billion, I read in this Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs press release. In another press release, I read that costs amounting to an estimated CHF 20 Billion yearly can be reduced considerably by implementing health preventative initiatives.

A couple of ways of reducing the growth in health care costs is by making it attractive for people to exercise more and by eating healthier. Together with more than 5,000 people, a record high number of participants at the well organized www.seeueberquerung.ch event, I swam across the lake of Zurich yesterday evening - a distance of about 1½ kilometres. Each participant paid CHF 20 for participating in the event. This included, for example, a warm up session managed by fitness instructors, and - after the finishing line - a glass of bouillon, a bottle of water, a warm and healthy rice meal, as well as great music played by a band. The event was sponsored by Migros and EGK Gesundheitskasse. 300 volunteers helped out doing various assignments at the event.

Considering the huge success of the swim event, I’m asking the following question: How about making it a monthly event during the summer - instead of just a yearly event?

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