Ideas to improve health care. Part # 4: Make sports events

On, I read this:
"Folgende Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass sich die Gesundheit unserer Bevölkerung langsam, aber stetig verschlechtert:
- Zu wenig Bewegung
- Zu viel Medienkonsum
- Unausgewogene Ernährung
- Psychischer und sozialer Stress"

Yesterday evening, I participated at City Challenge in Zurich – an event helping people to exercise more, i.e. do something about the above mentioned problems. Everyone who wanted to go for a run could join in and assist the city, at which they participated, in winning the City Challenge. The city recording the highest numbers of kilometres run by the people won the competition.

Here are the results of yesterday's City Challenge in Switzerland:
First place: Basel. 5,926 km.
2nd place: Zürich. 3,831 km.
3rd place: Bern. 1,662 km.
4th place: Geneva. 1,110 km.


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