Ideas to develop train stations. Part # 1

I thought about ways for train stations to create added value for customers. Here are the first 3 ideas:

Idea # 1: New ways of communicating time
Besides / instead of using the round, classical train station clocks at the train station, how about working with time keeping suppliers in developing other ways of showing time at the train station?

Idea # 2: Ticket machines at the tracks

Besides making it easy for people to buy train tickets on the Internet, for example by using PayPal, how about placing ticket machines right next to the tracks – thereby helping customers save time.

Idea # 3: Interactive flat screens instead of posters
I wonder why there are still posters hanging on walls at some train stations showing train schedules? Instead of using posters to inform about train schedules, how about using flat screens, the prices of which have gone down over the past years? And when you’re at it, why not use touch screens so customers can click on the train they are going to use – and that way get even more information about that particular train, for example through photos and videos.


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